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What Is Your Child's Learning Style?

Whether you wish to close learning gaps, feel more comfortable in school, or want to fast-track to graduation, Futures Academy can build a plan for you! In every lesson, we teach the way each child learns best, provide useful feedback, and reteach as needed. We are sensitive to the physical, emotional, and educational well-being of our students.

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Futures Academy provides a high-quality, faith-based education, customized for each child based on academic needs, declared interests, and personal goals.

The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary.  He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.

Isaiah 50:4  (NIV)

Part Time Hours

Students spend two days on campus each week for classroom instruction. Instruction may take the form of traditional teaching with engaging lessons, hands-on exploration, guest speakers, and fun activities and events. They complete assignments, work on projects, and study on home days.

Full-Time Education

The non-attendance days are for projects, homework, studying, and processing lessons from the day before. Home assignments may include standard homework, science projects, writing assignments, creativity, or reading.

Courses That Matter

Course load is determined by staff evaluation, prior school records, and parental suggestion. Along with electives, shortened hours allow students to be involved in outside academic, athletic, recreational, and artistic enrichment that can be included on their transcript.

You're The Boss!

Parents and parental figures are the most influential people in a child's life. Decisions regarding their education are ultimately yours. Futures Academy is here to hear your concerns then provide guidance, support, and the classroom experience for your child.

No Testing!

No STAAR, no benchmarks, no EOCs. Just normal tests at the end of units to make sure they ‘got it.’ Some of them won’t even be on paper!

Students spend two days on campus each week for classroom instruction. Instruction may take the form of traditional teaching with engaging lessons, hands-on exploration, guest speakers, and fun activities and events. They complete assignments, work on projects, and study on home days.

The non-attendance days are for projects, homework, studying, and processing lessons from the day before. Home assignments may include standard homework, science projects, writing assignments, creativity, or reading.

Course load is determined by staff evaluation, prior school records, and parental suggestion. Along with electives, shortened hours allow students to be involved in outside academic, athletic, recreational, and artistic enrichment that can be included on their transcript.

Parents and parental figures are the most influential people in a child's life. Decisions regarding their education are ultimately yours. Futures Academy is here to hear your concerns then provide guidance, support, and the classroom experience for your child.

No STAAR, no benchmarks, no EOCs. Just normal tests at the end of units to make sure they ‘got it.’ Some of them won’t even be on paper!